Let’s celebrate a united Europe and promote the Green Deal!
'Europa going Green'
> The EU intends to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent, by leading the world in fighting the climate crisis with bold actions
> The EU Green Deal is more than just a vision. It is a road-map for action for a climate and nature friendly Europe, to reconcile our economy with our planet. This is Europe’s “man on the moon” moment! (quote from Ursula von der Leyen)
> The European Commission could promote the New Green Deal concept to the 500 million EU people by making Europe Day an EU-wide public holiday, so the people could: 1) (learn to) celebrate a united Europe and 2) learn about (- and start to appreciate) the Green Deal goals
> The European Commission could also promote the idea to ask the European youth to voice their strong worries about Climate Change during Europe Day
> Because “young people are a big inspiration for the EU Green Deal” (quote from Frans Timmermans at COP 25)
> The European youth could grab the opportunity to take up the leadership of curating the Europe Day street festivities throughout the EU in order to voice their strong worries about Climate Change